Thursday, March 5, 2009


Sometimes there are things in our life that take us to the bottom. What don't realize sometimes is that we will always be able to pick ourselves up. It's something that I often experience when I feel like there is no way out. Then I hop in my car. Pop in some good music and realize it's not all that bad. There are so many other things in our lives to worry about besides getting broken up with or being broken up with. We've just got to surround ourselves with work and let it go. It may hurt sometimes, but it's something we all must do. Everyone heals in their own time. Mine seems to take a lot longer than most, but being able to find songs about tearing up the other persons things or a song such as this helps me to vent and not truly go do those things to the cheater!HAHA! There are things we all have to get over. It's just the getting there, but you will.